TECHSenior partners meeting in Brussels

On the 17th January 2018, the TECHSenior Partner Meeting took place in Brussels. Through cooperation between European partners, the objective of TECHSenior is to offer a training program that will be developed in the form of “blended learning”, so that the elderly will be able to acquire basic handling skills of electronic devices and software. If you want to know more about the project, just click here

First of all, the meeting discussed the intellectual output no. 03 regarding how to create training courses for teachers and trainers. In this respect, various differences between the trainings in each country were observed. For instance, the challenge in Spain lay in the different levels that people had regarding digital skills, whereas that of the UK was to look out for people to test them for the training. Secondly,intellectual output no. 04 was debated as to how to use technology (design, development and testing of workshop and e-­learning regarding Whatsapp, Facebook, setting up a gmail, how to connect to wifi, etc.).Thirdly, the group, led by Ms. Bodil Mygind Madsen, touched upon project management issues as well as communication and financial matters. Finally, Ms. Maria Jose Moreno, from Errotu, finished the meeting by explaining how the quality assurance procedure is being carried out. Results are very positive, so let’s keep up the good work!

TECHSenior Multiplier event 18 January

On the 18th January, the multiplier event regarding the TECHSenior project was held in Brussel sand was named “Technology helps older people live independently”. The main topic of the event was that lifelong learning is increasingly important in order to keep up with new IT technologies in society. The demand for basic IT skills has evolved following the rising number of official digital solutions in many countries and acquiring basic IT knowledge and skills is therefore essential for older people to improve their independency and their ability to function in an increasingly digital society.

During the event, there were four main parts. First of all, Ms. Marny Thompson, from Age UK Bath &North­East Somerset, commented on the research that has been carried out into existing training. Secondly, Mr. Panagiotis Anastassopoulos talked about how to use technology in terms of design,development and testing. Thirdly, Ms. Bodil Mygind Madsen, from SOSU Aarhus, suggested different plans for implementation for the training.

Finally, Ms. Francesa Operti, from EAEA, emphasized the importance of life skills to active citizenship in this new digital society. In conclusion, these are the main aspects that the TECHSenior project is now delivering: Research into existing training of elders in each country, including focus groups ports and case studies; Co-­creation (Living Lab), curriculum, competences, learning outcomes for modular courses.Experience of teaching elderly and those with functional diversity for partners; Development of a training course for trainers/teachers to be used in training of care staff or directly in training of old people;Design, development and testing of workshop and e-­learning.


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