First round of the Pacetraining SN course

The first round of the Pacetraining SN course has been completed in Italy, Spain, Latvia, Germany and Finland. While waiting to meet all EfVET members in Ponta Delgada and to describe to you all the results of the Pacetraining model, here is a brief overview of the project impact on all participating trainers and students.

AFP Colline Astigiane (Italy)

“This educational and training course was successful in developing the students’ potential because they found out that knowing the new skills is very important for them and working in the kitchen and serving the tables are not so difficult if you learn some basic rules.

Teachers involved in the Pacetraining Pilot SN course think that the cooperation shown by the students was very good because working in a team with professionals is always good to learn more about tools and methodologies.

They mentioned also the good support they had from the project manager.

They are satisfied with the work they have done, with the attitude they got and gave to the learners. The learners came to the training lessons as to a festivity, with joy and with eager to learn. This gave additional motivation and emotional support to teachers to whom this was the first experience teaching SN learners.”

Families have encouraged their children to work independently at home to discover what they had learned. Sometimes a few parents even attended our workshops.

At the end of course they said, they are very satisfied, their “children” had this opportunity to leave home for the lessons, to learn important things for the eventual professional career but also for a more independent life.

Trainers underwent a focus group based on a set of 10 questions, all aimed at detecting expectations and reaction to the various Pacetraining activities the methodologies envisaged and report in the project handbook as well as the overall SN training path as designed by the partners.

To sum up the result, basically, all trainers involved in the Pacetraining SN course piloting show happiness and motivation.

Anonymous comment on questionnaires:

“I believe the course is very effective as the main professional skills are included”

Anonymous comment on questionnaires

“The level of learning Units and Learning Outcomes might be different, and this is reflecting the reality of students’ potentials. There are parts that can develop students potentials even if some other part of the course might be too difficult for some SN students”

Although some practice is necessary to verify the trainers’ expectation, the course seems to be suitable to enhance SN students attitudes and to provide them with labour markets oriented skills.

Discover more about the Pacetraining project at the next EfVE Conference. Check our roundtable.

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