30th Virtual Annual EfVET International Conference 2021
The 30th Annual International Conference will be held virtually on Thursday 28th of October 2021 from 9:00 to 12:30 CET.
The theme of the Conference will be “Shaping the Future: Sustainable and Innovative VET”.
Vocational and professional education and training is in constant change as education in general. Due to the pandemic, our working life has been under rapid changes for a long period and change seems to become even stronger now that we have experienced a year of adjustments in education. Occupations, for instance are changing or disappearing; new occupations are created. Not only rapid technological development but also changes affecting our environment are the major drivers of change. Global climate change is a fact, and our societies are facing increasingly challenging problems.
Changes in working life and in occupations also create a major opportunity for vocational education and training system. If we are proactive, we can develop education and training systems that can answer the needs of the labour market. New learning and teaching methods and technologies enable students to study and learn effectively, regardless of time and place.Closer co-operation with the world of work in training creates better opportunities for students, teachers, educational institutions and companies to develop skills and knowledge needed in the future. The EU and national governments are gearing up to meet the upskilling and reskilling of workers. The goal is driven by the common ambition to support the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and contribute to building a more sustainable, and resilient European Education Area.
Rapidly changing working life will also challenge education systems, educational institutions and teachers. How can we evolve and innovate a sector which has tradition and innovation in pedagogy constantly together? The rapid development of technology has also enabled new learning models where the acquisition of skills and competences is already partially disconnected from the educational institutions. How can we reform management, leadership and working practices in educational institutions in the post-COVID19 period? What new approaches in education and training do we need to take in a context where knowledge can be acquired anytime, anywhere outside the formal educational structures? How can we identify best practice through EfVET members that can inspire new initiatives in other countries? Is there equal access to the new approaches of education and training for all?
The focus of the conference is therefore on sustainable and innovation VET and how these indicators shape our future and that of next generations. The objective is to empower our members to indicate opportunities for development and solutions, not only from the viewpoint of changing working life but also of environmentally friendly practices in different countries. Our societies will continue to need industries whose activities will burden our environment, but with the help of new technologies and new innovative ways of learning and working, we can reduce the burden on the environment.
At the conference, we will also look at the changing operating environment from the social, educational, business and student perspective. The conference focuses on the interface between new technologies in learning and the links between working life and the requirements of sustainable development through innovative VET.
EfVET Conference website and registrations at this link.