37rd ATEE Annual Conference

37rd ATEE Annual Conference “Policies and Professionalism in Teacher Education “, which will be held in Eskisehir, Turkey from25 to 29 August 2012.

One of the most important challenges that education systems face is developing the quality of teachers.  The development of teachers as professionals has the potential to make a significant contribution to addressing the challenges that education systems face in today’s global society.

However, educational policy reforms which emphasize the quantitative measurement of knowledge in order to achieve a top place in international performance surveys can create tensions with ambitions to enable teacher professionalism.

The conference will enable interaction, dialogue, knowledge exchange and creation in relation to the topics set out above through keynote addresses, parallel sessions where papers will be presented and discussed.

We hope you will find the people you meet, projects you see and ideas you share rewarding and stimulating.

The preliminary programme, and all information concerning registration, papers submission, logistics and payment facilities can be viewed at atee2012.anadolu.edu.tr.

The deadline for papers submission is 23 April 2012.

Should you require more information, please contact

Beyza Himmetoglu

Anadolu University
Educational Faculty
Yunusemre Kampüsü
26470 Eskisehir, Turkey

Tel: 090222.3350580-3478
E-mail: atee2012@anadolu.edu.tr


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