A new project is starting: GET UP
At the end of January 2017 the project has been started with the first partners’ meeting held in Brussels at the International Trade Union House. GET UP project is financed by the REC (Rights, Equality and Citizenship) Programme.
It is led by UIL – Unione Italiana Lavoro, together with other seven partners: Associazione FORMA.Azione srl, AIDP – Associazione Italian del Personale, ALDA – Association of Local Democracy Agencies, DIESIS – European research and development service for the social economy, cooperatives and participative enterprises, LETU: Lithuanian Education Trade Union, MUT – Malta Union of Teachers and WETCO: Bulgarian Workers Education and Training College.
The main priority of the project is to address the stereotyping of educational and career choices and to promote gender equality in education, training, career guidance and at the workplace.
Partners are convinced that the way to tackle it is to strengthen the role played by educational and career choices and by the people able to guide and support such transition phases. For that, GET UP concentrates its efforts on improving the competences of key actors in transition phases, through the development of a European Minimum Standard of Competences on Gender Equality (EMSC) and a huge awareness raising campaign, producing videos, photo contest, a serious game.
Next 14th of March the project leader will be present at the DG JUST kick off meeting in Brussels.