Annual Conferences

Annual Conferences

EfVET Annual Conferences gathers every year more than 200 delegates from different countries, not only from the European Union but also from Asia and America.

This event is an excellent opportunity for members and non-members to discuss hot VET topics with key policymakers, stakeholders and VET professionals. As we always say, the EfVET network is all about our members. That is why Annual Conferences are designed to be a network platform where they could meet other country fellows, present their Erasmus Plus projects, find Erasmus+ project partners and, the most important learn more about the latest VET policy issues.

All in all, EfVET Annual Conferences are a milestone for VET professionals in Europe and beyond.

Next Conference

Training Gen Z: New Horizons for VET

23- 26 October, 2024

Amersfoort, Netherland (The)

Last Conference

A Vocational Education Training Agenda of Future Skills for Green Transition

Rhodes, Greece

Previous Conferences

“The Future Skills Revolution for VET and CVET in Europe”

Kuopio 2022

“Shaping the future: Sustainable and Innovative VET”

Virtual Conference 2021

“COVID-19 beyond 2020: A new generation of VET?”

Virtual Conference 2020

“Robots, Human Capital and Digital Learning. Managing Transition and Inclusion”

Azores 2019

“Rethinking VET for Inclusive Excellence”

Como 2018

“Work and Education aligned to the Future”

Thessaloniki 2017

“Quality in Action: Putting the learner at the forefront of everything we do”

Valencia 2016

“Excellence in VET. What makes VET an attractive pathway to success?”

Paphos 2015

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