Annual Days: “Erasmus+: Vocational Training without limits”

The “Annual Days” of the Spanish Erasmus+ Agency SEPIE and the VET National Team with a focus on TVET without barriers took a place in Bilbao (Spain).

The National VET Team of Spain is made up of a team of about 30 people, with representation from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, the Departments of Education of the Autonomous Communities and Cities of Vocational Training, beneficiaries of Erasmus+ projects and external evaluators, in addition to Europass and members of the Professional Training Unit of the SEPIE National Agency.
Erasmus+ projects offer unique opportunities to promote mobility and international cooperation in the field of Vocational Training, enriching the professional profiles of students and strengthening ties between European educational institutions.

In these annual dissemination days we will explore how Erasmus+ opens the door to unlimited Vocational Training, where each student, regardless of their circumstances, has the opportunity to grow, learn and reach their full potential in an inclusive and diverse environment.

The first day – inspiring overview on the coming Inclusion policy of Euskadi presented by Jorge Arévalo Turrillas:
4 target groups: learners with practical skills; special learning needs; disability; migrants
5 actions: integrated apprenticeships; adapted apprenticeships; professional training; educational support; flexible pathways.
A new policy for VET at Spanish level, described by Lydia Berrocoso, with the interesting introduction of the #Tutor / #Mentor in charge of the #Integral Human Development of learners. Goal: to make difference ordinary, normal (cit. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie).

The foundation’s primary purpose is to address social issues and contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities in the Basque Country.
Otxarki Fundazioa Eskuz Esku focuses on the following key areas:
Education: The foundation is committed to improving access to quality education, particularly for underprivileged children and young adults. It implements educational programs, scholarships, and initiatives aimed at reducing educational inequalities and enhancing learning opportunities.
Social Inclusion: Otxarki Fundazioa Eskuz Esku strives to promote social inclusion by empowering marginalized groups, such as individuals with disabilities, refugees, and those facing socio-economic challenges. It works towards creating inclusive environments and fostering equal opportunities for all.
Community Development: The foundation actively engages in community development projects, partnering with local organizations and stakeholders to address pressing community needs. It supports initiatives related to healthcare, infrastructure, employment, and sustainable development, with a focus on empowering communities to lead self-sufficient lives.

The second day at the SEPIE & Spanish VET Team in Bilbao had one clear claim: Claro Que Se Puede, “of course we can do it!”, as suggested by Josu, a student with disadvantage at Sanviator.

Some highlights:
There is no Excellence without inclusion, as highlighted by Joao Santos:To be excellent, VET has to be equitable, adaptable, flexible, sensible to diversify and effective. All society will benefit from an inclusive approach to excellence.

Then, Paolo Nardi  introduced Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence- GIVE and its aims to be a place open to all people who are interested in learning new inclusive approaches at didactic, management and governance levels. Join our website  and platform and let’s make every person thrive.

MOBILITYAlfredo Garmendia and Ainhoa de la Cruz from sanviator have described their inclusive international mobility, with a wonderful and funny interview to two of their students with intellectual disability who just came back from a 3-week internship in Italy
POLICY-MAKING: the new Spanish law giving the VET system the possibility to train migrants even in irregular situations, to foster regular and transparent migration, described by Yolanda Rodriguez García.
TRAINING: many other unbelievable stories of success, which show the relevance of VET at social, economic and political level, as Joao Santos mentioned.

Now on-field visits to discover the VET Excellence hands-on!

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