Apprenticeships in Greece

Apprenticeships in the Peloponnese & Western Greece

SEVPDE (Greece)

The institution of apprenticeship is one of the most important tools at the disposal of the Greek State, in its efforts to connect trainees at vocational education and training schools with the labour market. Upgrading the institution of apprenticeship is also included in the commitments of our country through the third memorandum, in article 4.1, which describes the obligation of Greece to adopt a series of deep reforms.
In this context, a few days ago an invitation entitled “Vocation Lyceum, Vocational Training School and Vocational Training Institute Apprenticeships” was published, concerning the submission of proposals by 28th April to cover apprenticeship placements in companies for trainees of Vocation Lyceums, Vocational Training Schools and Vocational Training Institutes with remuneration equal to 75% of the minimum wage – something new to the institution of apprenticeship.
SEVPDE, understanding the importance of promotion of apprenticeship in our country, participates in the European programme Erasmus+ KA3 – EAPPREN (along with another 7 European countries: Cyprus, Slovenia, Poland, Spain, Bulgaria, Belgium, and Latvia) and through a forthcoming survey will identify the needs of both business executives and agencies for better management and promotion of apprenticeship.
The first results will soon be published by the Federation.

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