Coordinator: Theo van Geffen
Contact Details: Landstede, PO Box 1, 8000 AA, The Netherlands
Starting / Ending Date: 1-11-2010 / 31-10-2012
Summary: Personal agency is the key to success is an idea that has been the basis of projects in schools, as well as experiments with concepts such as portfolios and personal development plans. However, the idea that students are responsible for the development of their own learning is not without problems. It needs a holistic, not fragmented approach, that focuses on connecting the self to work.
Thus, the partners of this European project will try to reform student career guidance and support students to learn career self-management skills, particularly by working in close consultation and co-operation with local student and teacher panels.
The European project Career Learning as a Success Factor for Lifelong Learning has been introduced to guide students in a dialogic way at their development of a work-identity: the concept of career-learning.
This shall mainly be achieved by developing scenarios, new work methods, supportive instruments and materials for the benefit of student career guidance and learning, and the outlines and design criteria for teacher training programmes in Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Founding Agency: EACEA
Partners: Adam Smith College UK; Dienst Beroepsopleiding BE; Kokkolan Kauppaopisto FI; ITG Tajamar ES; Spoleczna Wyzsza Szkolai PL; Verein Schul- und Ausbildungsberating AT; Volkshochschule Mainburg DE