Cedefop Press release

Last opportunity to participate in study visits: apply by 15 October

The call for applications to participate in the study visits programme for education and vocational training decision-makers and specialists is open now.

The visits, to take place between March and June 2014, are the last that were scheduled within the Lifelong Learning Programme (2007-13).

144 study visits will take place in 29 European countries. These will explore about 30 various topics, in line with the latest European priorities in education and training.

Topics include:

Helping people acquire key competences (language teaching and learning, education for active citizenship and sustainable development, ICT use);

Work-based learning and transition from education and training to the world of work;

Equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups;

Measures to prevent early school leaving;

Initial and continuing training of teachers, trainers and educational leaders.

Study visits are targeted to those responsible for educational and vocational training policies at local, regional and national levels, including directors of education and vocational training establishments, guidance centres and validation and accreditation centres; teacher trainers; education and training inspectors as well as representatives of employers’ associations and trade unions. The impact of the study visits programme on education and training policy and practice in Europe is considerable.

Candidates should consult national agencies in their countries and submit their applications online at the study visits webpages of the Cedefop web portal by 12:00 noon Central European Time on 15 October 2013.

The next phase of peer-learning activities in the world of education and training, Erasmus+, will be discussed at a conference to be held on 26 September 2013 in Thessaloniki.

Press release online http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/news/21831.aspx

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Press Office: Rosy Voudouri

Tel: +30 2310 490012, e-mail: rosy.voudouri@cedefop.europa.eu

Department contact: Ioanna Nezi

Tel: +30 2310 490186, e-mail: ioanna.nezi@cedefop.europa.eu

Head of Area Communication, Information and Dissemination: Gerd Oskar Bausewein

Tel: +30 2310 490288, e-mail: gerd-oskar.bausewein@cedefop.europa.eu

About Cedefop

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), an agency of the European Union based in Thessaloniki, Greece, supports European policy-making in the field of vocational education and training. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu

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