Cedefop’s 3rd International Workshop

Cedefop’s 3rd International Workshop on Curriculum Innovation and Reform that took place in 26-27 April 2012 in Thessaloniki, Greece.

You may now find all presentations given in our event including the video with the interviews in our workshop website http://events.cedefop.europa.eu/curriculum-innovation-2012/presentations.html

We have received very positive feedback for this event and I would like to thank you all for your valuable contribution and lively discussions.

We will keep you informed about Cedefop’s work in this field and keep you posted when the two studies presented on curriculum and assessment policies and practices will be published at the end of this year.

We really hope to see you soon in our future events. Until then, you may keep these nice memories http://events.cedefop.europa.eu/curriculum-innovation-2012/gallery.html

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