Communication of EUCIS-LLL platform

Communication of EUCIS-LLL platform on the Education and Training 2010 work programme

Dear members,

Please find enclosed the communication of EUCIS-LLL platform on the Education and Training 2010 work programme, following the Coordination Group meeting of 6th of October 2006. It is the first time that we are invited in this Group created by the Commission to survey the implementation of the E & T 2010 work programme. This meeting was important as the Commission focused on the way Member States implemented education partnerships.

This communication will be sent to Member states representatives, social partners and civil society organisations. Indeed, we need to reinforce the position of the platform as providing an horizontal approach of Lifelong Learning thanks to the expertise of all of its members.

Communication EUCIS-LLL Education & Training 2010_EN.pdf

Best regards,

Audrey Frith

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