TEC and EUC Syd Colleges in cooeration Danish Agency for Universities and Internationalisation and the Transatlantic network TA3 with would like to invite you to the conference “Work based Learning – international perspectives” June 17th.
TEC is a member of a transatlantic network TA3 with few European members and quite a lot of American community College members. http://www.ta3online.org/
Now it is TEC´s time to host the yearly conference. The whole conference is from Sunday 16th to Wednesday 19th of June.
Monday is an open conference day. I hope some of you find the content “Work based Learning – international perspectives” interesting and would like to join us. Please, feel free to let other contacts know about the conference.
We have also made arrangement with a hotel, which could accommodate you for a reasonable price. Attached file. http://www.copenhagenstrand.dk/?gclid=CM2pybatlbcCFSXItAodBzcAkg
TA3 would like to include more European members in the network. If your college or EfVET as organization would like to join the whole conference to learn more about TA3 with the intension of joining, let me know and I will send you the full program and try to get you included.