EfVET has been invited to launch a consultation among EfVET members about mobility because the European Commission and the European Parliament wish to seek the view of VET practitioners on this key subject.
Within the framework of the process for implementing ECVET, the EC has commissioned three main studies:
• ECVET connexion: to study the feasibility of the implementation of ECVET
• ECVET reflector: to analyse the relationship between ECVET and the national system (www.ecvet.net)
• MOVE-IT: to investigate mobility of students in Initial Vocational Education and Training, identify barriers and obstacles and ways to overcome these barriers (www.europe-move.it)
PriceWaterhouse,Coopers (PWC), the company in charge of MOVE-IT, the study on mobility, has received, during the initial data collection, only a few hundred questionnaires from VET providers across Europe. The MOVE-IT project has now developed a set of 18 recommendations, grouped under 6 main headings, which in early November have been presented and discussed among various stakeholders.
EFVET has been invited to take part in this debate and has actively contributed within the Conference “Obstacles to mobility”, promoted by EUNEC, European Network of Education Councils, in Bruxelles on 9 – 10 November.
Arising from this process, different stakeholders have been invited to express their views and for example the Employers Association have started a consultation process.
Our aim is to carry out a consultation process of VET providers, in order to collect EFVET members’ opinion about the recommendations made by the MOVE-IT project and collect new ideas.
If a consistent number of replies can be gathered, EFVETintends to formulate a statement and thus present the point of view of VET practitioners to the European Commission and the European Parliament on both European mobility policy and on the recommendations made within the MOVE-IT project.
The overall consultation process will end in mid December. By this time the European Commission is expected to define the final details of the new Life Long Learning Programme in which mobility has a central role with the ambitious goal for VET to reach 150.000 work placements abroad by 2013 (it is estimated that currently 50.000 work placements are organized each year).