Strategic Skills for Creative Futures
The CYANOTYPES project brings together a wide variety of organisations, stakeholders, and European networks to address the needs and skills gaps in the Cultural & Creative Industries. Based on innovative multidisciplinary approaches, CYANOTYPES tackles the sector’s potential for innovation and competitiveness, which deals as well with challenges presented by, among others, COVID-19, the digital transition, and the green shift.
The project title references the iron-based photographic process that led to the term “blueprint” we know today. Inspired by this key moment of innovation, CYANOTYPES sees in this very practice an exemplary episode from the pre-digital archive of arts-and-technology experimentation that inspires creators to this day. Invoking a pre-digital technology, CYANOTYPE cautions that “the digital” is itself in a moment of transition, offering us new possibilities and perspectives. While we anticipate growing roles for AI,Big Data, and synthetic content generated by data-driven systems in the immediate future, we also see the need to imagine multiple futures on which innovation in CCI education depends.
Earlier projects indicated that advancing vocational education programs should follow the guiding principle that the “Community is the Curriculum”, moving on from the idea of a wholly centralised, institutional approach to learning. CYANOTYPES builds anticipation into its methodological framework to empower creators to imagine multiple futures and to make their processes more environmental-friendly, sustainable, resilient, and dynamic.
Organised by a triple loop learning framework focused on how we “learn how to learn”, CYANOTYPES’ integrates specific and transversal skill sets organised by key thematic areas to serve as context-specific points for different stakeholder groups. CYANOTYPES provides short- and longer-term strategic interventions and concrete skills development solutions that can be adopted across the European CCI ecosystem.
Project no.: 101056314-CYANOTYPES-ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO
- Stichting Hogeschool Voor De Kunsten Utrecht, Netherlands
- Austria: University of Applied Arts Vienna; WIFI-WKO Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut
- Finland: MyData Global
- Germany: HBKS Saar University of Fine Arts
- Greece: European Creative Hubs Network
- Italy: Consorzio Materahub Industrie Culturali e Creative
- Netherlands: University of the Arts Utrecht; European Creative Business Network; European League of Institutes of the Arts; EQ ARTS
- Norway: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Portugal: Universidade Lusófona
- Slovakia: Creative Industry Košice
- Sweden: YNFT FilmTVBYNE – Securing Screen Skills in Sweden; Swedish Games Industry; Fashion Innovation Center
Associated Partners
- Austria: Creative Linz; New Design University – Privatuniversität GesmbH; ibw Österreichisches Institut für Bildungsforschung der Wirtschaft
- Belgium: EAAE; EARLALL; International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts; Eurochambres; Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts; European Students’ Union
- Czech Republic: Creative Prague
- Denmark: Danish Design Centre
- Estonia: MTÜ LOOV EESTI / Creative Estonia
- France: SEPR; Groupement Européen des Écoles de Cinema et de Television
- Germany: CREAM Creative Industries and Media Society; K8 Institut fuer strategische Aesthetik; Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsregion Stuttgart e.V.; Kreatives Sachsen
- Hungary: Cultural Innovation Competence Centre Association
- Italy: Associazione Distretto Produttivo Puglia Creativa; #Reteteatro41
- Poland: Media Lab Katowice
- Portugal: Associação Portuguesa das Artes e Ciências Cinematográficas; Ukbar Filmes – Produção de Longas e Curtas Metragens, Lda
- Slovakia: Pontis FoundationSpain: Wazo Sociedad Cooperativa
- Ukraine: PPV Knowledge Networks
Start: 01/09/2022 – End: 31/08/2026
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