David Parkes

David Parkes has worked in and across all education sectors, from basic to higher, with a principal focus on vocational education and training (VET) and labour market issues. He has combined the management of large scale Europe wide projects and consultancy with reflection and review, for example regular editorship/contributions of and to the European Journal of Education’s Trends in Vocational Education and Training.

His clients have included the EU’s Leonardo, Socrates, PHARE, CARDS and MEDA Programmes, The European Training Foundation, CEDEFOP, OECD, The World Bank, The Asian Development Bank, UNESCO, The Council of Europe, national and regional governments and enterprises in the private sector. He has worked in and for 54 countries across 4 continents. He worked at local and national levels in the UK before establishing his international base in Paris in time to be in Berlin at the fall of the wall. Among other roles he was a founding secretary of EFVET in the early 1990s.

David served EfVET in the SC from 1990-1993 and the ET from 1990-1992.

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