DRIVES project: High-Level Conference on EU’s automotive sector skills organised at the European Commission

DRIVES project: High-Level Conference on EU’s automotive sector skills organised at the European Commission

The European Commission is launching a high-level conference in the context of The Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills in Automotive Sector and its running initiatives, COSME  Towards a common vision on addressing SMEs skills needs in the automotive sector: strengthening the development of upskilling and reskilling strategies and ERASMUS+ Skills Alliance The Development and Research on Innovative Vocational Educational Skills (DRIVES) project.

The conference, which will take place on 27 May 2020 in Brussels (at Autoworld Museum), will be an opportunity to discuss the ongoing challenges for skills in the sector, reflect on the future and hear experiences about solutions and best practices for updating skills. The event will bring together policy-makers at national and supranational levels, experts in the field, training providers, automotive industry value-chain, such as OEMs, large enterprises and SMEs.

Additional information:

The European Commission has launched a series of flagship initiatives in this sector, in order to address the challenges faced by automotive firms. These include:

  • The New Skills Agenda for Europe”, adopted by the European Commission in June 2016, which calls on EU Member States and stakeholders to improve the quality of skills and their relevance for the labour market.

Two projects in Automotive sector:

  • The “Development and Research on Innovative Vocational Educational Skills” (DRIVES) project, launched by means of an Erasmus+ initiative. It aims at delivering human capital solutions through the establishment of an Automotive Sector Skills Alliance, covering all levels of the value chain. Project results available at
  • The project Towards a common vision on addressing SMEs skills needs in the automotive sector: strengthening the development of upskilling and reskilling strategies” by means of the COSME Programme.


More information about EfVET project DRIVES:

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