
Coordinator: Gower College Swansea (not lead partner)

Contact Details: 01792890762

Starting / Ending Date: 2011-2013

Summary: The project will develop e-learning education. Our project aims to reach disadvantaged women in Kayseri region who cannot have a chance to go out from their home because of their handicaps. They have to look after their baby or a sick person or their husbands don’t let them to go and gain money. Also they have some disabilities that prevent to have a continuous job. But also they need to gain money. We are aiming to educate these women to demand the handmade work need of existing home textile sector in Kayseri not going out from their home. We provide multimedia e-learning home textile and handicraft education and training which gives them a chance to work at a time and a place that suits them. So they can produce the demands of textile sectors’ orders with high quality. These women don’t need to go out to get education because we reach them via e-learning. To do this we are aiming:
• To provide support disadvantaged and disabled women to overcome barriers and have economic freedom.
• To take a proper place in a competitive environment for home textile access to trained labour force.
• To provide self-training module according to home textile demands by e-learning for target group who don’t have a chance to go out from their home and gain money.
• Provide help to women to gain money.
• To remove the disadvantaged women’s inactive position from the society • To bring into action the inactive workforce.
• To provide self-confidence
• To support entrepreneurship
• To support the idea of life long education and to show that education can continue in anywhere any time.
• To increase cultural sharing with the transfer of good practices by the help of partnership.
• To develop themselves to the changing conditions of life.
• Adaptation of the flexible employment that is indicated in the last national employment plan.(www.tobb.org.tr )
• “Traditional handicraft should be developed through Educational institutions” was taken in Commission Recommendation to overcome the problems facing the textile sector. (www.hakis.org.tr )With this recommendation our aim is to develop the handicraft by educational institutions.



Founding Agency: Lifelong Learning Programme TOI

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