ECVET Network meeting in Brussels 2017

The ECVET network meeting took place from 14 to 15 June 2017 in Brussels. Alfredo Garmendia, Spanish National Representative and Annette Kay, SOSU Sjaelland, attended on behalf of EfVET.


During the meeting, the European Commission provided a short overview on the current VET policy developments on the European level.  The VET policy update given by the EC was focused on three aspects:

  • EAfA- European Alliance for Apprenticeships
  • Vocational Skill Week
  • Erasmus PRO

These were discussed within the context of the VET priorities for the 2015-2020 period (Riga Conclusions 2015) and within the framework of the New Skills Agenda.

The revised EQF Recommendation was adopted last month (22 May 2017 ) for the lifelong learning. Its aim is to improve the transparency, comparability and portability of people’s qualifications in Europe, by establishing a common reference framework for national qualifications systems.

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships has so far mobilized 35 EU, EFTA and candidates countries that have made national commitments. 208 stakeholders have pledged to take action, two transnational alliances were launched, and more than 700 000 training offers have been made.

Regarding the Vocational Skills Week will take place 20-24 November 2017 and all local events will be taking place from September to December 2017. The local events will take place all across Europe , including two days of events and the closing ceremony in Brussels.

The ErasmusPRO is expected to increase the number of longer duration VET mobility. ErasmusPRO will be supported by EU funding via a proposal for a specific within KA1. Therefore, is not a new programme, but one activity under Erasmus+. Using ECVET to recognize learners’ mobility achievements will be optional to in ErasmusPRO projects.

All the ECVET network presentation are available here

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