Education to young entrepreneurship is an important issue all over Europe and also all around the world, there are many projects already started but few of them focus on helping and orienting young people business ideas towards the society needs. Hence EfVET Member Matera Hub is participating at the Ent.E.R.Com Erasmus +project.
Matera Hub (Italy)
The aim of the Ent.E.R.Com project is creating a connection among all these projects in a network of trainers and organisations, where teaching experience, methods, a forum for discussions, exchanges of experience, validation of the competences and community engagement can merge. The role of trainer/educator becomes a guide for young people who start an entrepreneurial life, that’s why is important providing them with the methods and the new resources supporting young entrepreneurship.
The Entercom platform aims to serve both as an e-learning environment and as a social area for the learners to communicate and it’s articulated in three main areas that include a registration area, to individuate competencies, experiences and interests. A discussion area, to create the Ent.E.R.Com community allowing each user to start or to take part in discussions. And an e-learning area that allows registered users to acquire new competencies by following a precise and integrated framework in the field of urban regeneration and commons.
The Ent.E.R.Com project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme with organizations from Spain (Junta de Extremadura), Portugal (Inova + ) Netherland (s-Hertogenbosch) Italy (Goodwill and Materahub).