On Wednesday, 20 June, EfVET Italian National Board meeting took place in Rome. EfVET President, Santiago Garcia (via teleconference) and Stefano Tirati, Vice-President (in charge of Projects) attended to this meeting, together with the following organizations: IIS BRUNELLESCHI DA VINCI, ENAC, ENAIP NET, Scuola Camerana, FORMA.Azione srl, UNISER, I.F.O.A., COMETA, Fondazione Casa di Carità Arte e Mestieri, Sistemi Formativi Confindustria and Learning Digital.
Chiara Palazzetti – EfVET Italy
The main aim of this meeting was to share updated information on the upcoming EfVET Conference in Como – which will offer parallel programmes for Teachers/trainers and Leaders/Managers and a pre-conference working session to facilitate exchange and new cooperation among members – and discuss key issues in VET at European and national level to identify common priorities and working areas. In addition to that, Stefano Tirati presented the first results of the survey on the Thematic Teams, trying to outline for the participants the rationale and the way forward.
The intense and fruitful discussion among participants allowed to cover a variety of topics considered relevant for VET providers in Italy, most of which reflect trends and priorities acknowledged also at European level:
- qualification system, and its fragmentation into regional systems;
- revision of the EQF levels, based more on levels of complexity of the acquired competences rather than titles;
- identity, dignity and excellence in VET, not anymore seen as “second choice”;
- integration and dialogue between VET and education;
- procedures and practices in mobility;
- accreditation system for a better quality – mutual recognition among regional systems;
- teaching and methodological innovation in VET;
- joint qualifications.
A wider consultation is about to take place on a shared platform with the rest of the Italian members in order to select the issues on which they are going to elaborate technical documents and recommendations for the national public authorities.