EfVET Statement on COVID-19

EfVET Statement on COVID-19 (9 March 2020)

Given the recent outbreak of the virus COVID-19 and consequent measures being put in place by different Governments and Health Agencies EfVET states that:

EfVET takes the well-being of the safety and wellbeing of staff, volunteers and members very seriously and has been monitoring the situation on the COVID-19 outbreak closely.

EfVEt is following the recommendations shared by the World Health Organisation, the European Commission and National Governments and Health Authorities and is confident that the right measures are in place.

EfVET encourages all Members to monitor closely the updates from the World Health Organisation and to follow local governments travel advice when organising activities where international and national travels are required.

Useful Links:

World Health Organisation – Situation reports

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – Updates and other useful resources

John Hopkins University World Tracker – Situation updates on reported cases World wide

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