EfVET to host the Thematic Team Event on ‘Internationalisation and Learning Mobility’
On the 3rd and 4th of June, EfVET will host the Thematic Team Event on ‘Internationalisation and Learning Mobility’. As previously announced, this year’s event was initially planned to take place in Paola (Malta), however, due to Covid-19, it will be held online.
Details of the event:
Internationalisation & Learning Mobility
June 3, 2020 | 09.30 – 13.30 (CET)
June 4, 2020 | 09.15 – 13.00 (CET)
MCAST – Online Event
Deadline for registrations: 15 May 2020.
At this stage, we would kindly ask you to fill in the final registration form which you can find here. Please note that, at this stage, we will consider only 2 participants per member organisation. You can find here the link to the program.
Some insights:
The EfVET Thematic Team on Internationalisation and Learning Mobility was established in October 2018. It kicked off at the EfVET Conference in Como (IT) with the objective to increase opportunities of exchange, support and cooperation between EfVET members.
Supported by a coordinators team, initially the TT investigated the needs of EfVET members in terms of support to Int&LM activities. After Como, TT meetings took place in San Sebastian (ES) in June 2019, and the EfVET Conference in the Azores (PT) in October 2019. As a result, the TT is now focusing on the development of specific initiatives:
– a community of “EfVET coaches” to support members through peer learning activities
– the support to EfVET in promoting members’ teachers trainings offers within the network
The TT webinar of the 3rd and 4th of June will divide between the two days our priorities:
– Day 1 will be dedicated to the current situation and the future of international activities. During these delicate times the TT wants to provide members also with the chance to exchange about the challenges of the Covid-19 crisis. In this first day of the event we will discuss the current situation and the future of international activities. The Covid-19 crisis is having a huge impact on our work so it looks like things will have to change accordingly. How can we overcome the challenges and turn the current situation into an opportunity?
– Day 2 to the development of previous activities about EfVET coaches and teachers training: EfVET is a grassroots organisation with members in different phases of their international activities. We all have one goal: to make education attractive for the current and future VET learners and staff. To do so we need to support each other within our network. During this second day we will explore how to set up initiatives to spread peer learning and teachers trainings within our community.
Check the flyer here and the draft agenda here.
Regarding those two initiatives some preparation materials will be sent with the final program a few days before the conference.
About EfVET Thematic Teams
EfVET launched the Thematic Teams in 2018 as an opportunity for Members to meet and share good practices, networking and also as a way to promote and spread innovative ideas and practices.