EfVET WBL guideline: press release
Aware of the importance of WBL for its Members, and for their students’ successful professional careers and employability opportunities, EfVET included on its Strategic Plan 2022-2026 the Strategic Direction (SD) 5 “Promoters of work-based learning”, which plans to implement a wide range of measures and initiatives during the mentioned period, aimed to contribute to and actively support the developments in work-based learning in the context of a labour market which skills needs are continuously changing.
Part of these initiatives is EfVET WBL Guideline, a toolkit developed by SD5 Working Group under FUSION project (number 101121773), with contributions from EfVET Members that participated on a WBL survey launched in March 2023, aimed at collecting an overview of national educational policies that regulate the implementation of WBL, and a description of EfVET Members inspirational WBL best practices, which are part of EfVET WBL Guideline.
Figure 1 EfVET WBL Guideline
The official launch of this Guideline (moderated by Susana Nogueira (EfVET Policy/Project Officer) and by Wolfgang Stutzmann (Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft I – DE), both part of SD5 Working Group), was carried out during a Good Practice session of EfVET Annual Conference, on October 27th, 2023:
Figure 2 EfVET Annual Conference Good Practice session: Official launch of EfVET WBL Guideline
With an audience of 60 participants, this session aimed to provide information about the added value of the Guideline for all EfVET Members and other readers, to make an overview of its contents, and to showcase three of the fifteen WBL inspirational practices that are implemented by EfVET Members and are part of the Guideline, more specifially Cometa (IT), Helsinki Vocational College and Adult Institute (FI) and INSIGNARE (PT), represented by Alessandro Mele, Ami Toikka and Carina Oliveira, respectively.
The main purposes and added value of EfVET WBL Guideline
In addition to be the basis of future SD5 initiatives, carried out with support from EfVET Members (including the potential creation of a WBL Observatory), the EfVET WBL Guideline aims to:
– Address the relevance of WBL in VET, and provide information about the main emergent studies and analysis carried out by relevant EU institutions such as Cedefop, ETF – European Training Foundation, the OECD – Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and UNESCO-UNEVOC – International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, for further exploration by the readers interested in the topic;
– Provide an overview of national educational policies that regulate the implementation of WBL practices in the countries addressed in this Guideline;
– Provide a description of inspiring work-based learning practices implemented by EfVET Members who participated on the WBL Survey and provided detailed information about those practices later on, allowing for their replication by the remaining EfVET Members.
The EfVET WBL Guideline is a platform that showcases EfVET Members’ practices and their work to duly prepare a successful future workforce. It provides a new perspective about different approaches to WBL, and to get to know other WBL practices that eventually they can also implement on their own organisations/institutions. Moreover, it promotes a positive impact on EfVET Members’ students’ WBL experiences and, ultimately, contribute for increasing VET attractiveness and for the quality of its provision.
Access to EfVET WBL Guideline on EfVET website.
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