Encounter with Odile Quintin, Director of DG EAC
Gina Ebner, actual president, and Jean-Marc Roirant, former president of EUCIS, encountered Odile Quintin, Director General of the DG EAC, on 26 June 2009. During this meeting, the new president of EUCIS, Gina Ebner, presented the recent developments of the platform and its work programme for the future years. Odile Quitin reaffirmed her strong support to the platform and was very positive about the way it has developed in recent years. She also outlined the need to reinforce the partnerships between our platform and the Commission and thanked Jean-Marc Roirant for the good relations they have had in the last years.
22 September : working group on «EQF and NQF: tools for learning continuity»
The workshop “EQF and NQF: tools for learning continuity?” will take place in Brussels on 22 September (9h30-12h30). Please do not forget to register as well as to answer the little survey that was sent to you a few weeks ago. Do not hesitate to forward the survey and invitation to your members.
<<Programme_EUCIS_EQFWorkingGroup_22Sept09.pdf >> <<EUCIS_Survey_EQF_EN.pdf >>
22 September : public hearing on «Lifelong Learning, a key to European active citizenship?»
The public hearing on “Lifelong Learning and European active citizenship” will take place on 22 September (14h00-17h30). Jennifer Wannan from the European Commission will notably come to exchange with us on this important topic, especially after the EU elections. Please do not forget to register.
<<Programme_EUCIS_PublicHearing_22Sept09.pdf >>
EUCIS internal consultation on the Lifelong Learning Programme
You have received the internal consultation paper “What should the future LLP look like?“. We invite each member of the platform to contribute to this reflection. Alongside sectoral consultations on the different sub-programmes (Grundtvig, Leonardo…), it is very important to be able to propose a global perspective on the architecture of the future LLP.
<<EUCIS_Survey_FutureLLP_EN.pdf >>
EUCIS communication on the Education and Training Work Programme 2020
EUCIS will launch its press release on the ET2020 work programme of the European Commission. We thank you for your contributions to the preparation of this paper and invite you to forward it to your members and partners.
<<EUCIS_Communication_ET2020_EN.pdf >>
Developing our communication tools…
The website is now available in English!
I also remind you that you can ask me to add information about your events, projects or publications in EUCIS-LLL newsletter. We wish to develop the members’ section in the newsletter in order to better the exchanges between the members and to promote your work as broadly as possible.
We will also launch regular internal newsletters such as this one in order to develop internal communication and exchanges.
European Commission initiative on Multilinguism, what role for EUCIS?
The European Commission is setting up a new civil society platform to promote multilingualism in Europe in the areas of culture, media and non formal education. The call is open until 30 August 2009 and the platform will be launched in Brussels in October 2009. We would like to know:
· Are interested in participating in this platform?
· Do you think EUCIS should get involved in this platform?
Thanks in advance for your comments and reactions.
More about this platform:
Call for supporting the Civil Society Contact Group
The Civil Society Contact Group is asking its members a voluntary financial support to close the gap in the 2009 budget. As you may know, the CSCG brings together eight large European NGO platforms and aims at representing the views and interests of rights and value-based civil society organisations across the European Union on major cross-sectorial issues. If you wish to participate, even for a small amount, you have to contact Laetitia Sédou, CSCG coordinator (coordinator@act4europe.org).
With kind regards,
Audrey FRITH
EUCIS-LLL Platform
Rue d’Arlon 40
B- 1000 Brussels
Tel: +3222343763
Tel: +33143589796
Fax +33143589788
or eaea-office@eaea.org