ENT-teach project

Ent-teach – summary

The Ent-teach project addresses entrepreneurship in Senior Secondary Vocational Education institutes. Lead partner BDF, manager of an incubation centre where VET and University students can start up their company or fulfil their internships, experiences low awareness of starting your own company as a job option at VET students or former VET students. Statistical data on the typical profile of start-up entrepreneurs support this experience.

The project has an innovative practical approach to stimulating entrepreneurship among students in VET institutions by providing their teachers with the tools and materials to educate, inspire and motivate their students for them to be able to pursue a career as an entrepreneur.
The project will be based on successfully implemented material developed in the former Leonardo da Vinci ViPiA project and the entrepreneurial way of teaching & training by the members of the project consortium.

The central aim of the project is to equip VET teachers to teach students the emerging skills of entrepreneurship with a focus on the (start-up) micro enterprise.
VET students who finish their studies are usually expected to continue their education elsewhere or start a job. Some former students however start up their own firm. Most teachers are unaware of this next step a student takes after graduation. Relations between teachers and world of work should be improved, especially the relations between VET teachers and former VET students of (start-up) micro firms.

By applying the results of this project in VET institutes, (1) teachers gain insight to competences that are required for the entrepreneurs of today and tomorrow, (2) teachers can involve entrepreneurs (former students) in the classroom and together address the students of today, and (3) teachers can better interest, support and educate VET students to pursue a career as an entrepreneur.

Main outputs are the tools & methods shared and developed in the project. Input comes from the different training experts and end-users from the partner countries. The main final result is a standardized and well documented but yet hands-on approach to teaching entrepreneurship in VET institutes through young and small firms involvement that has been pilot tested at VETs in the partners’ countries and fine-tuned during the project’s lifespan. The consortium will develop tools to be implemented universally and organise the materials in such a way that any VET institute in the EU can easily adapt and apply it to their specific situation.

EU input / impact is ensured by involvement of partners with a central role in their respective countries on the edge of education and entrepreneurship. The consortium consists of training material and methodology developers, business training and support organisations, a VET institute, a Chamber of Commerce, a VET teachers’ association, and a EU-wide network association of VET providers (EFVET).

Business Development Friesland
First Elements Euroconsultants Ltd
AOC Friesland
CC Barcelona

Website: www.ent-teach.eu

Ent-Teach June 2013

Ent-Teach October 2013

Ent-Teach Newsletter March 2014

EfVET Newsletter

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