Coordinator: Fundación Maimona Centro “Diego Hidalgo” de Empresas e Innovación
Founding Agency: WP1-R1-Template-V1-15102012
Duration: 1.10.2012- 30.09.2014
ENTANGLE – Entrepeneurship Trainers for VET: A Novel Generation Learning approach
Summary: Financed by the Leonardo da Vinci Life Long Learning Programme, the project finds its origin in day-to-day practical experience with and within VET institutes. Additional national and international research showed that the challenges identified on entrepreneurship in VET institutes are widespread and common. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, indicates for Spain that again in the 2009-2010 the educational and training systems do not incorporate entrepreneurship training into their programmes. Apart from not having a major share in the overall curriculum, in general the programmes that are running show flaws with respect to sufficient and adequate knowledge with respect to the functioning of the market economy, nor do they stimulate creativity, self-reliance and entrepreneurial initiative. Even in vocational training, where the programmes are a bit more extended they still show the aforementioned backdraws. The situation is not much different in the rest of Europe, for example research conducted by the Dutch government, comparing entrepreneurship teaching in VET institutes, Universities and Research Universities, demonstrated that “students are not very satisfied with the activities provided on entrepreneurship” and that there is hardly any advancement in “the anchoring into the curriculum/ educational program where we witness a move from \’not at all\’ to at least \’a little bit\’”. At the moment, schools are barely aware of this. If their staff see teaching entrepreneurship works, consciousness and understanding of the importance will improve as well. Additional findings from the European Forum for Vocational Education and Training showed the above-mentioned conclusions are pretty universal throughout the EU. The EU\’s priority to stimulate the teaching of emerging skills needs is supported by most governments in their country, something to which ENTANGLE contributes. Even though this importance of entrepreneurship has been recognized, it is usually considered an issue which overlaps with several other subjects and areas. Therefore, entrepreneurship is not considered as a subject to be studied on its own, something which has an impact on the training teachers receive in this respect, training the trainers is taken as an “additive” and not as a subject which requires specific training and attention. ENTANGLE addresses this by focusing on the VET teachers, and provide them with materials and tools to improve the quality of the entrepreneurship training and develop new programmes better adjusted to the business world. The ENTANGLE project has an innovative approach to entrepreneurship teaching in VET institutes (VETs). It adopts a full scale method with supporting materials and tools, a direct and practical approach not yet applied in most VETs. The ultimate goal, to have more VET students starting their own enterprise, will be reached by directly and indirectly improving the quality of: lessons, learning material, advice, guidance and VET-small entrepreneur/former VET student relations. ENTANGLE addresses the need to develop the skills and competences of VET teachers in order to cope with future challenges. The acquisition of specific knowledge on the subject by our direct target group of the project (VET teachers) is very important to the greater aim of the project (= ultimately more VET students starting their own enterprise). The project will optimise their position and practical role in between students and current start-ups and/or small enterpreneurs. ENTANGLE effectively strengthens the liaison between VET professionals and this emerging kind of working life called entrepreneurship. By doing so, develop the capacities of VET teachers for better job and career guidance to individual students.
Business Development Friesland- NL
First Elements Euroconsultants Ltd- CY
European Leadership Institute, Ltd -LT;
Fundacio Joan XXIII -SP;
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra- SK
ENTANGLE Newsletter 1
ENTANGLE Newsletter 2
ENTANGLE Newsletter 3
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ENTANGLE Newsletter 5