Website: www.luontoyrittaja.fi/428.html

Coordinator: Anne Matilainen

Contact Details: University of Helsinki Ruralia Institute

Starting / Ending Date: 1-10-2009 / 30-9-2011

The overall objective of the project is to increase the quality and attractiveness of VET by strengthening the cooperation between VET and micro enterprises and providing practical tools for it.
ENVOLWE will focus on transferring and further developing organisational innovations in VET sector by collecting existing innovative practices of cooperation between rural small and micro entrepreneurs and VETs. The innovative practices identified from partner countries will be complemented by the models and tools developed in more general level by previous initiatives, like Leonardo funded NEMO-project.The good practices will be modified to fit enhancing especially the cooperation between micro enterprises and VET on practical level, and they will be piloted in nature-based entrepreneurship sector in 5 countries. In addition a long-term development plans based on the piloted models will be made in each country.

As a result of ENVOLWE there will be documented piloted models for VET-microenterprise cooperation and guidelines and piloted process descriptions for long term cooperation. These will be compiled to European Handbook for Successful VET and small & micro enterprise cooperation and disseminated widely.

The strengthened cooperation will improve the competitiveness of both VET and micro enterprises by helping the VET organisations to increase their service provision to both small and micro enterprises as well as to students and potentially providing extra source of income for nature-based entrepreneurs for off-season periods.

Email: anne.matilainen@helsinki.fi

Founding Agency: Lifelong learning program of the EC

Finnish Nature-based Entrepreneurship Association (FI)
Ylä-Savo (FI), EFVET BE)
Eesti Maaülikool University (EE)
Euracademy (GR), CSCS (IT)
Rogaland School and Business Development Foundation (NO)
Norton Radstock College (UK)

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