Please find below the links to the latest issue of the EQAVET newsletter in its brand new layout!
The seventh issue of the EQAVET newsletter features:
- Editorial by António Silva Mendes, Director for the “Lifelong Learning” policies and programme at the Directorate-General Education and Culture, European Commission
- How should EQAVET respond to “Rethinking Education”?
- The model of Work-based learning in Austria and The Netherlands – challenges and factors for success
- EfVET in the context of the EC Communication “Rethinking Education”
- The Swiss VET system – a good practice
- Focus on: 4th EQAVET Annual Forum, Ireland
- What’s new?
The newsletter is available in English, French and German language versions.
EQAVET Newsletter issue 7 (EN)
Bulletin d’information EQAVET Numéro 7 (FR)
EQAVET-Newsletter Ausgabe 7 (DE)
Newsletter summary
The summary of the newsletter is available in the following languages (click on the links to view the summary):
* Bulgarian
* Czech
* Dutch
* Finnish
* Greek
* Hungarian
* Italian
* Latvian
* Lithuanian
* Polish
* Portuguese
* Romanian
* Slovak
* Slovenian
* Spanish
Newsletter Supplement
This edition of the EQAVET Newsletter is accompanied by a special “Projects Supplement” prepared by the EQAVET Promotion and Knowledge Management Unit ( which presents the latest news on the EQAVET Projects supported by the European Commission.
The supplement is available in English, French and German language versions.
Supplement to the EQAVET Newsletter issue 7 (EN)
Beilage zu Ausgabe 07 des EQAVET Newsletter (DE)
Supplément au bulletin d’information EQAVET numéro 7 (FR)
The summaries of the supplement are available in the following languages (click on the links to view the summary):
* Bulgarian
* Czech
* Danish
* Finnish
* Greek
* Hungarian
* Italian
* Lithuanian
* Polish
* Slovak
* Slovenian
* Spanish
* Swedish