EQF Newsletter April 2010

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to inform you that the first issue of the EQF Newsletter is published and attached to this page. It has been produced, in response to numerous requests, by DG Education and Culture, supported by Cedefop and the European Training Foundation. It aims to reach and inform a broad audience of stakeholders and to encourage and support discussion and debate on the implementation of the European Qualifications Framework at the national and European levels.

The EQF Newsletter will be published three times a year. If you wish to subscribe or contribute in English, French or German to the EQF Newsletter, please register by sending an email to the following email address: eac-eqf-newsletter@ec.europa.eu.

You can click here for the EQF Newsletter of_April_2010

Best regards,

Gordon CLARK
European Commission – Directorate General for Education and Culture
Lifelong Learning: horizontal Lisbon policy issues and international affairs
Head of Unit
Unit A/1 : Lifelong learning: contribution to the Lisbon process
Tel: + 32-2-296.29.29
Fax: + 32-2-296.42.58
Email: Gordon.Clark@ec.europa.eu

EfVET Newsletter

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