EUCIS-LLL Newsletter #61 – JUNE 2013


EUCIS-LLL welcomes report from the CULT committee on Rethinking Education
Yesterday, the European Parliament’s CULT Committee discussed the draft report reacting to the Commission’s Communication on “Rethinking Education” proposed by MEP Katarina Nevedalova. EUCIS-LLL welcomed the document proposed by the Rapporteur. However it recommended to broaden the scope of learners beyond young people, emphasise even more the importance of non-formal and informal learning, highlight the need for transversal competences for personal and professional fulfilment and better involve civil society organisations, in particular in a common reflection on funding education and training.

EUCIS-LLL welcomes the revision of the “Visa Directive”
The purpose of the Council Directive 2004/114 is to determine the conditions and procedures for admission of third-country nationals to the territory of the Member States for a period exceeding three months for the purposes of research, studies, pupil exchange, remunerated and unremunerated training or voluntary service. The implementation of this directive shows a number of weaknesses. This is why EUCIS-LLL strongly supports the European Commission’s efforts to improve the rules by  revising the existing directive. EUCIS-LLL made some concrete recommendations in order to have a more coherent and efficient system in the EU.

Register to attend 1st ever European Citizens’ Summit!
The Civil Society Contact Group, of which EUCIS-LLL is a member, is hosting aCitizens’ Summit taking place in Brussels June 24 to 25, 2013. The Summit aims to bring together for the first time professionals, practitioners and activists from across the different sectors – culture, development, education, environment, health, human rights, social affairs and women’s rights to discuss the future of Europe. Join us and help moving forward common objectives for a better future!


EucA – Is the Erasmus generation employable?
EucA organised on 28-29 May in Brussels the event “Rethinking Education for the Erasmus Generation: Combining Knowledge and Soft Skills” in which 40 students from 10 European countries took part. The highlight of the event was the presentation at the European Parliament of the book: Soft skills in action – Hall of Residence as centres for life and learning” and the discussions between the hosting MEPs and students. EUCIS-LLL attended the event.

ETDF – Be a GREAT Learner! GREAT Lx Conference
In the framework of the Great project, which aims at raising awareness on the use of games in organisational learning context, ETDF (European Training and Development Federation) organises the GREAT Lx conference on 14-15 September in Lisbon. Papers and cases submissions are now open.

ECSWE – Publication: Improving the Quality of Childhood in Europe
ECSWE, the European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education, has just published “Improving the Quality of Childhood in Europe”. The publication consists of talks given by a range of experts to the Working Group on the Quality of Childhood (QoC) at the European Parliament during 2011/2012.

EADTU – The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013 – “Transition to open and on-line education in European universities”
The Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2013 of EADTU is to be held in Paris on 24-25 October. Following the latest developments in policymaking and university strategies, this year’s conference scope is about “Transition to open and on-line education in European universities”. Registrations are now open.

More news on our website.


Montenegro joins the LLP
On 24 May 2013 Montenegro signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) establishing its full participation, for the budget year 2013, in all the actions of the Lifelong Learning Programme which are not managed by National Agencies (except eTwinning).

Facilitated recognition for professional qualifications
Doctors, nurses, architects and other professionals moving to another EU country will find it easier to get their qualifications recognised there thanks to aprovisional deal struck by MEPs and the EU’s Irish Presidency of the Council on Wednesday evening. It will bring in an electronic card listing professional skills and oblige professionals’ home countries to do more to help them to obtain recognition abroad.

President Barroso evokes education before the June summit
During a speech at the European Parliament on 12 June, Mr Barroso evoked skills mismatch, Erasmus for all, the Youth semester and youth unemployment.He called for “effective measures to tackle this social crisis here and now”.

19-20 June: Digital Agenda Assembly
This year, the Assembly is co-organised with the Irish Presidency of the EU Council and will consist of seven thematic workshops and one plenary event. It will be an opportunity to go through the themes of the Digital Agenda for Europe review, assess the progress and challenges in the implementation of the refocused actions and seek ways to improve delivery in the context of the recent update of the Digital Agenda for Europe. A workshop will be specifically dedicated to “Digital skills for jobs and learning”. The European Commission launched several discussion on skills & jobs on a new platform, that you can join. The results will be reported at the Assembly in Dublin next week and will help to shape the European eskills, e-inclusion & education policy.


Eurostat on Vocational Training
In the EU27, two thirds (66%) of all enterprises with ten or more employees provided vocational training to their staff in 2010, compared with 60% in 2005, according to the Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS), which is carried out every five years by Eurostat. The News Release presents data from the fourth and latest survey, referring to the year 2010.

EcCoWell – Cities for the Future
“EcCoWell learning from the global to the local” runs from 26-27 September and is an opportunity to exchange ideas. The EcCoWell concept was developed out of work done by the OECD and PASCAL International Exchanges (PIE) on lifelong learning. Cork Lifelong Learning Festival is a member of PIE and working with partners from the Health, Environment, Economic Development sectors, is encouraging the integrated, holistic approach EcCoWell promotes to bring about more humane and socially inclusive city development. More info.

Trends in higher education funding in Europe
New EUA Public Funding Observatory report and online tool outline trends in higher education funding in Europe. It offers a contrasted picture of education funding as half of the countries surveyed showed an increase in budget for education as the other half reduced it.

Discover the latest Education and Training Foundation publications:
The ETF magazine Live&Learn
Policy brief on social partnerships in vocational education and training
Report on migration and skills in Armenia and Georgia
A cross-country report on the Torino Process 2012: – Moving skills forward: From common challenges to country-specific solutions

Feasibility study in sports
A Consortium composed of the Olympic Chair in Management of Sports Organisations from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), the European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE), and Sport and Citizenship (S&C) has been appointed by the Sport Unit of the Directorate-General Education and Culture (DG EAC) to carry out a feasibility study on possible future mobility measures for sport in the EU. You have the opportunity to take part in the study by filling an online questionnaire and make sure your views will be considered when developing the set of recommendations for the European Commission with regard to the funding of learning mobility in the new EU programme.

More news on our website.


Action 4.5 – Support to information activities for young people and those active in youth work and youth organisations – EACEA/11/13
Deadline 27 June 2013

Call for tenders – CFT/13/ETF/0011 – Education and business cooperation study in Kazakhstan(OJ S 94, 16 May 2013)
Deadline 1st July

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs – 63-G-ENT-CIP-13-E-N01C011
Deadline 09 July 2013

El-Hibri Peace Education Prize
Deadline 15 July 2013

Preparatory Action: European Partnership on Sports – EAC/S03/13
Deadline 19 July 2013

European Policy Network of National Literacy Organisations – EAC/S05/13
Deadline 29 August 2013

Youth support systems — Sub-action 4.6 — Partnerships – EACEA/06/13
Deadline 5 September 2013

Support to Youth Workers’ Mobility – EACEA/15/12
Deadline 10 September 2013

Call for proposals – Two new EIBURS sponsorships under the EIB Knowledge Programme
Deadline 13 September 2013

Implementation of the European strategic objectives in Education and Training (ET 2020) – EACEA/04/2013
Deadline 16 September 2013

Open Call – European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) – COST 2013-3
Deadline 27 September 20143

Youth in Action Programme
permanent calls for proposals 2013

/// AGENDA ///
17 June: GoAct-Conference
19-20 June: Digital Assembly
24-25 June: Citizen Summit
25 June: Education at a glance
26-30 June: EFEC GA
28 June-2 July: EEE-YFU Young Europeans’ Seminar
1-3 July: EduLearn13
1-6 July: Our youth-our future Conference

More events on our website!

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