Presentation Bochure EUCIS-LLL FR

NGO platform on Future Objectives of Education and Training Systems in Europe:

EUCIS (European Civil Society)

European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning
(EUCIS-LLL platform)


– 43 European countries,
– 54 500 training and education centres,
– 2 350 000 professionals and volunteers,
– 62 000 000 persons concerned.


ACC : Association for Community Colleges.
AEGEE : European Students’Forum.
EAEA : European Association for Education of Adults.
ECSWE : European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education.
EFFE : European Forum for Freedom in Education
EfVET : European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training.
EUCEN : European University Continuing Education Network
EURO-WEA : European Workers Education Association.
EVTA/AEFP : European Vocational Training Association.
FEEC : European Federation for Education and Culture
IAEC/AIVE : International Association of Educating Cities
SOLIDAR : European platform on social affairs, international solidarity and lifelong learning.

International non-governmental and nonprofit association under the Belgian Law (AISBL).

Registered office:
EUCIS-LLL Platform
60 rue de la Concorde
1050 Bruxelles – Belgique
Tel : +32 2 513 5205
e-mail :
e-mail president :

Several networks with experience of Lifelong Learning issues came together in spring 2001 to share their direct experience and expertise. They wanted to conduct a Europe-wide consultation on the Lifelong Learning Memorandum.

Since then, some of these networks have decided to establish a new permanent Platform. They contributed to the debate on the future objectives of education and training systems in Europe. The platform has in particular developed a consultation basis open to all interested players from civil society, dedicated to the debate on Lifelong Learning and on the creation of a “Europe of knowledge”.

The Platform began a systematic exchange of experiences between social partners, NGOs and stakeholders, especially in the field of basic skills as key competences for life.

A final conference “Skills for Life as the Key to Lifelong Learning – Towards Achieving the Lisbon Strategy” was held in May 2004, in the premises of the Economic and Social Committee in Brussels.

The results and outcomes of this initiative, financed by the European Commission, have been drawn together in two brochures : ”Skills for Life as the Key to Lifelong Learning – Towards achieving the Lisbon Strategy”, describing the political background, the impact of Lifelong Learning, and “Guide to Good Practices in Basic Skills in Lifelong Learning”, presenting practical help on how to implement basic skills in different environments on the basis of the large collection of good practice examples.

The success of the above-mentioned activity motivated the associations within the Platform to continue their cooperation independently on the possibility of funding from the European Commission.


EUCIS-LLL provides an opportunity for exchanges, meetings, debates and a proposed task force. The platform is also a structure aiming to further a popular and civic commitment to the concept of lifelong learning.

The Platform is a partner and a voice for the Commission, especially for the DG education, training, culture and multilinguism. EUCIS-LLL believes that the objectives of education shouldn’t only be described in terms of employability or economic growth but also as a framework for personal development and considers education to be a tool for intellectual and civic emancipation for all the Europeans.

The Platform is open to all European organisations active in the fields of formal, non formal and informal education for children and adults, as well as professional training.


– Participating in dialogue with European institutions (Commission, Parliament, Council, European Economic Social Committee…), in order that they should take into account values of lifelong learning.

– Supporting exchanges, meetings, debates amongst members and undertaking joint projects.

– Disseminating information in the field of lifelong learning to members.

– Organising 1 or 2 meetings per year (seminars, conferences, etc.) on issues decided by members.

– Ensuring the promotion of best practices observed in each European country.

– Participating in the construction of a Europe that is more democratic, social and civic and with more solidarity. That construction should be in relation to developments in lifelong learning.

– Taking part in consultative activities with the aim of giving organisations and institutions perspectives from civil society in relation to lifelong learning.

Visit the main EUCIS website

Download EUCIS-LLL Brochure in English

Presentation Bochure EUCIS-LLL FR.pdf In French

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