3rd Annual Conference of EUproVET

12-6-12 in London

Most good intentions made at the end of December will not last until February. So fill in the remarkable date of 12-6-12 in your calendar now!
On Tuesday 12-6-12 the 3rd Annual Conference of the European Association of providers for Vocational and Education and Training will take place. The Conference will be held at Westminster Kingsway College. A College with Ben Murphy as a Gold Medalist in Cooking winning at Worldskills 2011.

Westminster Kingsway College
Victoria Centre
Vincent Square
London   SW1P 2PD

The four European Associations  EfVET, EVTA, EVBB and EUproVET have joined forces to strengthen VET in Europe. We are doing this by contributing to the EU policy laid down in the Bruges communiqué of 2010.
The Euprovet conference will be held only one month away from the start of the Olympic Games in London. During the conference we will look at what is necessary to achieve an Olympic level for VET in Europe. Contributions from the EU commission and from the associations that form Euprovet are already promised. The conference will focus expressly on making your insights shared and heard!
Next to policy issues concerning the Bruges declaration a specific theme will be Leadership in VET. We see the Leadership issue as a precondition for achieving the policy goals at the grassroot level in schools, colleges and apprenticeships.
We would like to invite you to share your insights with us to ensure the Olympic aspirations Citius, Altius, Fortius!” (Faster higher stronger” ) for the development of Vet in Europe as well.

So once again type 12-6-12  in your Calender. We recommend that you arrive in London 11-6-12 There will be a networking event the evening of the 11th.  We will arrange a conference fee with a hotel nearby the venue for the conference. In the next month we will send you more information on this and the programme.

Sampo Suihko   President  (Omnia College & AMKE , Finland)

René van Schalkwijk  General Secretary (Horizon College & MBOraad, Holland)

Tellervo Tarko   Conference committee (AMKE, Finland)

John  Mountford   Conference committee ( Association of Colleges UK)



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