Eurosuccess Consulting: EcoOlives
“Production and marketing of Organic Olives and Olive oil”
The EcoOlives Erasmus+ Project aims to improve the competitiveness of EU olive farmers and olive oil producers. This is met by developing their necessary skills, knowledge, and awareness in this field. Furthermore, it aims to provide an innovative vocational training approach to assist the growth of organic olive and olive oil production in the EU. At the same time it will be incorporating all aspects of organic cultivation, processing, and production of olive oil into a common curriculum.
• Develop an educational and engaging course on the cultivation and promotion of organic olives and olive oil (OO&OO).
• Encourage the development of opportunities and the expansion of the potential of EU olive farmers and olive oil producers by entering the OO&OO market.
• Provide multidisciplinary and tailored training on OO&OO production, pest control, and promotion to EU olive farmers and olive oil producers in order to effectively produce and promote OO&OOs.
• Raise the public’s awareness of the importance of olives and olive groves in the country’s cultural, historical, and landscape legacy.
• Promote the use of organic farming and production methods by new and existing olive farmers and olive oil manufacturers.
• Encourage EU consumers to use organic olives and olive oil more frequently.
Direct target groups (primary target group):
• Olive Growers & Olive Oil Producing Companies,
• New Olive & Olive Oil Entrepreneurs who do not have an agricultural background,
• Multi-skilled Farmers
Indirect target groups:
• Organic Olive and Olive Oil Consumers
Project Results:
PR1: Learning Model
PR2: Training Course
PR3: Manual for Trainers
PR4: Platform with Interactive Repository Section
PR5: Guidebook on certification of organic olives & olive oil
The consortium:
- Italienische Handelskammer München-Stuttgart Camera di Commercio Italo-Tedesca (Coordinator, Germany)
- Molise verso il 2000 scrl (Italy)
- OTB Europe (Portugal)
- AVA Creations Foundation (Bulgaria)
Visit the project’s website HERE to learn more about the project and stay in touch with the latest updates! Until then, do not hesitate to contact us for further information at