Eurosuccess Consulting: ThinkTwice! Ecological sustainability in projects

Eurosuccess Consulting: ThinkTwice! Ecological sustainability in project management

The Think Twice! project is here to support project managers across Europe, share knowledge, experience and good practice examples of working and managing projects in a more ecologically sustainable way.
It is an ongoing project that started September 2020 and will last until August 2022. The first meeting kicked-off online in November 2020, with representatives from a consortium of 8 partners from 8 European countries.
What is the ThinkTwice! Project about?
The desired impact is reached by developing innovative transferable tools to make project management in general more ecologically sustainable. Project managers ought to be more aware of the consequences of their actions and they should enhance their ability of conscious decision-making, critical thinking and practical application of ecological sustainability in everyday working procedures. We can influence the way our organisations work and become role models in view of other organisations as well as for the various target groups we work with on a daily basis within our projects.
What are the main objectives of the ThinkTwice! Project?

  • Enhance ecological sustainability in European Union funded projects
  • Raise awareness on the possibilities of green project management
  • Establish good practice examples for ecologically sustainable project management
  • Enable project managers to make more conscious decisions with the environment in mind

Sustainable Project Management is the planning, monitoring and controlling of project delivery and support processes, with consideration of the environmental, economic and social aspects of the life cycle of the project’s resources, processes, deliverables and effects, aimed at realising benefits for stakeholders, and performed in a transparent, fair and ethical way that includes proactive stakeholder participation. (Gilbert Silvius, 2015, Considering Sustainability in Project Management Processes).
Achieving sustainability of business activities, intertwining social, economic, and environmental perspectives, is one of the most challenging objectives for organisations and companies all over the world. What sometimes seems like a daunting and overwhelming mission can also be approached starting with small steps.
Project’s Outputs:

  1. Curated Treasury of good practices in ecologically sustainable project management, which will give an overview of all kinds of management procedures, organisation of events or trainings, etc. related to European funded projects and their analysis in respect of their ecological sustainability.
  2. Stress Test of current practice leading to a personalised Learning Pathway, which is a different strategy to approach the topic of ecological sustainability in project management through a game-based learning methodology

Who will be benefitted from the ThinkTwice! Project?

  • Experienced & new project managers working or willing to work in EU funded projects & in project-based organisations
  • Project-based organisations and companies
  • VET providers
  • Training institutions offering further education for project managers
  • Volunteers in NGOs
  • And everyone else interested in the topic of project management and sustainability

The consortium
The international dimension of the ThinkTwice! project was ensured by a consortium of 8 partners from 8 European countries:

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