Expert Roundtable Discussion: Addressing current challenges in career guidance: policy meets practice
Addressing current challenges in career guidance: policy meets practice
The Volkshochschule im Lkrs Cham from Germany, together with partners of the project “OCCAY Online Career Counselling Academy” is pleased to invite you as an expert to the roundtable discussion.
The event will take place in Brussels, on the 12 of May 2023, 09:30 – 13:00.
The project OCCAY aims at uplifting the digital skills of career counsellors in Europe and shaping the future of career guidance. OCCAY creates digital tools for labour market counselling which enable knowledge transfer and exchange, and are applicable to all counselling fields. With OCCAY, for the first time, a project is pursuing a common European understanding within the vocational education of career counsellors and is offering a common digital platform for mutual education and training.
To register please send an email to before 5 May 2023!