First results of the B-Wise project
Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs)
Scuola Centrale Formazione is a partner of B-WISE project. A 4-year project co-financed by the Erasmus + Programme, bringing together 30 partners across EU member states which aims to develop a European strategy to address the skills needs, in particular regarding soft and digital skills, in the Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) sector.
To achieve the goal, the project gathers 30 partners, among which: -2 European organisations; 14 national and regional WISEs sector representatives; 13 VET providers; 1 European Research Institute. Moreover the project takes advantage by EfVet expertise. In fact efVet is involved as a member of the Advisory Board to assess, review and give input on the project outcomes, as well as to disseminate the results. Scuola Centrale Formazione is glade to share the publication of two reports on trends (LINK to download documents), challenges and digital skills needs for Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) in Europe. The deliverables are the result of the research work coordinated by Euricse and the Consorzio Idee in Rete, two of the Italian partners of the project.
The reports try to answers two main questions:
- What skills building action do WISEs need, based on their characteristics, the directions of their development, their corporate culture and their strengths and weaknesses?
- What are the characteristics of the workers (enablers, supporters, workers with support needs) to whom we would like to propose competence building pathways?
The reports aim to investigate the state of art of WISEs in Europe to investigate the human context and, in the second half of the project, approaching the design of VET curricula for 3 target groups (enablers, supports, workers with support needs) which has been coordinating by Scuola Centrale Formazione and Consorzio Idee in Rete by the end of December 2022.
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