FPEmpresa’s Regular General Assembly 2022 Choose a new Board of Directors

FPEmpresa’s Regular General Assembly 2022 Choose a new Board of Directors

The VET School Association FPEmpresa has celebrated the last Tuesday, 7th June, the General Assembly 2022. It has chosen a new board of directors with the presence in all the Spanish autonomous communities and cities. A meeting that has taken place in the events hall of IES Hotel Escuela from Community of Madrid, associated center of the Association.

In addition, two years later of celebrate the General Assembly in a virtual way, the event has been hybrid. The members have been able to access physical or virtually. In this way, the Permanent Board has shown gratitude to the associated centers for “the attendance, support and confidence”.

From General Assembly 2021, the Association has grown a 32% in number of members, establishing it in 413 associated centers at present. An increase of 100 members that have decided to join FPEmpresa. Sergio San Martín, secretary of the Association, has admitted that “is an important number and a success of everyone in favour of the Vocational Education and Training”.

CaixaBank Dualiza will continue to work with FPEmpresa.

Juan Carlos Lauder, Head of CaixaBank Dualiza, has participated in the Assembly with the purpose of the strategic collaboration that has with the Association. “We keep the desire to work with FPEmpresa. We have done many things and we have started new activities in the last years. We will have to adapt our activity for the new VET Law, but we will get a better VET. I hope you could assess the cooperation we have and, also, what we are going to have for more time”, has shared Lauder with the members.

Furthermore, the event has continued with the Permanent Board explaining the Management Report, the 2021 Accounts, the 2022 Budget, the Congressional document, the new Strategic Plan, and the renovated Board of Directors. Introductions which have been followed by the votes of the associated centers. The minutes of the results has announced with more than a 98% that the electors have approved the totality of the shared documents, just like the new Board of FPEmpresa.


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