Free Online Course for Quality Managers – Join the Piloting!

Free Online Course for Quality Managers – Invitation to join the Piloting

The European project IN-QUAL “Imprinting Quality to Entrepreneurship Education” (Erasmus+/KA2) aims to support entrepreneurship education (EE) providers in the improvement of their quality management systems, and to promote a culture of quality and the use of EQAVET standards and principles.

The project reached relevant results, such as the development of “Guidelines for the implementation of a Quality Management System in Entrepreneurship Education”, an easy, accessible, hands-on solution to VET providers seeking to implement EQAVET standards in their institutions.

Moreover, Partners have developed an online platform, containing a training course for Quality Managers of VET providers, focused on the key words of flexibility and personalisation. The online course is structured around the four phases of a quality improvement cycle (PDCA cycle) and is composed of 5 modules:

  • Introduction
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Check
  • Review

The 5 modules comprise a total of 28 Action Cards (Training Pills), short 30-minutes blocks designed to be easily implemented in a VET institution who provide Entrepreneurship Education (EE) in order to improve its quality management system.

The Quality Manager can read through the Action Cards at their own pace. The best test for our Action Cards is in their usability in a real-life context.

The platform also comprises of a “Genie”, a customisation tool which will help the Quality Manager identify which Action Cards are the more suited to his/her situation.

Before making it available to the public, we would like to test it with selected Italian VET/EE institutions, and we would like to offer the chance to be part of the piloting for this training course to all EfVET members from Italy!

The Piloting will start in September and will be organised in the following way:

  • Participants will be able to register to the online platform, take the initial assessment test and read through the recommended Action Cards (testing);
  • Learners can then provide feedback on the learning experience to the IN-QUAL consortium (assessment);
  • Based on one or more Action Cards, they will then draft a quality improvement action plan and implement it in their VET/EE institution (implementation);
  • Finally, they can provide a second round of feedback to let us know if the course helped improve the quality management system (review).

During the entire process, they will be closely followed by the project representative, who will be always available to provide assistance or further clarifications if needed.

To express your interest, please get in touch with Effebi, “Organisational & HR development Association”, EfVET Member:, or visit the following link to the IN-QUAL website.

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