Coordinator: Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education/Ylä-Savo Vocational College /YSAO.
Contact Details: Sanna Pukarinen
Starting /Ending Date: 1.9.2014-31.8.2016
Summary: During this project there will be innovated a frame for module to educate Green Care- knowledgeable work force within vocational education in the fields of natural resources, social- and healthcare together. As Green Care method is used as a form of care more often than earlier the need for work force, which is familiar with the subject, has increased. Each participant/educational field will write a report from the point of view of their own special field. Good practices are shared between partners. Report includes a framework for study unit/units. Each framed study unit is
developed so that they can also be chosen separately by different study field students to fit them in their personal educational plan. All the reports from different participating fields are collected together and main framework for module is created. Aim is that in the future when Green Care studies are developed further and implemented to different fields of curriculum, students from different fields of study can choose study units to fulfill their knowledge about Green Care.
Comments: Information about coordinator. Ylä-Savo Vocational College is a multi-disciplinary vocational institution. We have three main fields of vocational education and training and we offer education and training for 28 vocational upper secondary qualifications, over 30 further vocational qualifications and over 20 specialis vocational qualifications. Total amount of students is about 1200 in vocational upper secondary education and about 800 adult students in vocational training per year. Municipal Federation of Education in Ylä-Savo has a large role in developing the
co-operation between education and business life in Ylä-Savo. One of the emphases is to further develop the quality of training, including improving the competence of the teachers and similarity of curriculum and the needs of business and industry.
Funding Agency: Erasmus+ KA2, 2014-1-FI01-KA202-000826
1) Savo Consortium of Education/SAKKY/FINLAND
2) EDEX/Intercollege/ CYPRUS
3) Bridgwater College/BC/UK
4) Parnumaa Kutsehariduskeskus/PKHK/ESTONIA
Go Green & Care Flyer