Granting Access to Employment & Entrepreneurship in Agriculture for women

GAEA is a forward-looking project implemented by INCOMA in collaboration with 12 partners partners in 11 EU countries that seeks to create a pan-European digital ecosystem for women starting their own businesses (entrepreneurship) or pursuing a career (intrapreneurship) in agriculture.

GAEA aims to Inspire   –   Mentor  – Nurture – Empower – Train      women   (especially those that are currently neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET situation) and / or have a migrant background   to perceive entrepreneurship as a valid career choice and to thrive as successful, confident and resourceful entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who have a digital mindset and are able to innovate, protect the environment and generate sustainable growth and employment in rural areas across EU countries.

Vocational training centres and their female students will be involved during all phases of the project. After an in-depth analysis of the education and training needs of women in agri-business, we are currently developing the contents of a Curriculum at the vocational education and training level for the training of women entrepreneurs.

The results of the need analysis are summarised in the 2nd project newsletter, available in the website of the project at this link Gaea Newsletter 2 | Gaeaproject (

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