I-RESTART – Reskilling and upskilling Toward competitive Agrifood and veterinary sector

On February 5-7th February 2024, we participated in the meeting I-RESTART – Reskilling and upskilling Toward competitive Agrifood and veterinary sector celebrated in the office of EIT in Brussels. The coordinator of this project is Università degli Studi di Torino. The I-RESTART project aims at reskilling and upskilling the workforce in the agrifood and veterinary sectors, retrain the employees leaving the heavy industry to hire them in the agrifood sector, and engage some students that want to enter the agrifood labor market, to improve their digital skills and facilitate the transition to the Green Deal initiative.

Many partners were able to attend the meeting such as Università degli Studi Di Teramo, Universidad de Murcia, EIT Food, Universitaet Hohenheim, Iseki-food, Gospodarska Zbornica Slovenije, Confederacão Nacional das Cooperativas Agricolas e do Credito Agricola de Portugal Ccrl, Stichting Aeres Groep, Infor Elea or Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt. 

During the first session, the attendees were introduced to the goals of the meeting, and they had some presentations of different partners. In the beginning, EBVS presented the survey analysis of the Preliminary data form. After, FDE presented the initiatives regarding databases and Pact for Skills, ISEKI presented the analysis outcomes skills needed in Food Industry, Animal Production and Veterinary Activities, WU showed the micro-credentials theory and delivery and ICOS presented the designing training for skills and learning objectives. Moreover, UNITO also presented the training content development in FIELDS project.

At the end of the first day, partners talked about the curricula´s main principles of harmonization.

During the second session, partners were divided in the three groups (animals’ production, food industry and veterinary in order to identify topics for training and select categories for them.

The last meeting, the groups continued their work and after they presented their work to the other partners. It was such an interesting and intense meeting! The way is still long but we are sure the project will have in the end very enriching outcomes. 

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