ICT for Kosovo’s Growth

Digitalisation- the Way Ahead

The “The ICT for Kosovo’s Growth” project, funded by EU office in Kosovo, implemented by WEglobal and Prishtina, aims to enhance the competitiveness of Kosovo’s digital and traditional businesses by supporting growth of Kosovo’s ICT sector leading to growth and new job creation.

The project is designed to address the lack of trained workforce in Kosovo ICT sector through provision of up-to-date, modern ICT trainings to Kosovo workforce. The project will improve their knowledge and digital skills to have the possibility of ensuring employment with one of the local ICT businesses, start their own businesses as start-ups in existing innovation or incubation centers of Kosovo or become an ICT freelancer/consultant. On the other hand, the project will contribute to increase of business skills and promotion of ICT businesses and their products through organisation of targeted business trainings and different events to promote the use of ICT, bringing together ICT businesses with domestic and international partners. The project, originally got six semesters, aiming at training at least 1440 trainees on advanced programming courses, while now, it got extended with 4 additional semesters, with additional 1000 trainees. During these so far seven semesters, we reached to train over 2.123 youth, or over 1.7111 certified trainees, having 61 % male and 39 % female, while the number of applications recieved to the so far registration calls, as per semesters, is over 14.497 applications. In addition, the number of declared employed trainees is 296 young ICT enthusiasts. The available training modules are: Cyber Security, Web Development, Java Programming, Python, Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, delivered by local and international professional trainers. Each module, during a semester, provides 300 hrs training, while 250h are core subject then 30hrs on IT Project Management and Soft Skills and 20hrs on test and exam. In other hands, we have organized six international B2B matchmaking events, attended by 36 companies, reaching over 17 NDAs and several contracts implemented. There were also 24 local c ross-regional B2B events organized between ICT and traditional businesses aiming at making Innovation Solution for the non-ICT businesses.

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