#iLearn – Mobility and Training for Apprentices: for a more effective cooperation between schools, companies, apprentices and tutors
#iLearn – Mobility and Training for Apprentices is a European project, co-funded by Erasmus+ program, led by Apro Formazione and developed with Sedu (FI), Noorderport (NL), and Politeknika Txorierri (ES).
The idea behind iLearn project is simple: to make communication and cooperation between schools, companies, apprentices and tutors more effective and immediate.
The intense work over the past 2 years has brought to light an online platform for the monitoring and management of apprenticeships, at every level and for every professional profile. iLearn platform can be used as an app from any device: PCs, smartphones, tablets.
Thanks to the direct involvement of the apprentices in the training process, through iLearn app tutors will be able to monitor the progress made by each apprentice and implement the necessary corrections to improve their skills, in line with the requirements of the professional qualification.
There are several key elements introduced by the platform to the process of managing, monitoring and evaluating apprenticeships:
– Registering accounts. For each user – be it the apprentice, the company, school staff, a school or company tutor, or the family of the minor – it is possible to register their own account with specific functions.
– Individual learning program. iLearn tool enables tutors to set up the individual learning program of each apprentice in order to create the learning program based on the desired job profile.
– Keep track of all the activity. Once the apprentice is linked to their learning program, both tutors and the learner can add new activities and keep track of them.
– Evaluate Activities. Each activity goes through two levels of evaluation: a self-evaluation by the apprentice himself and an evaluation by the school and company tutors. Apprentices’ work is judged on a scale of 1 to 5, taking into account both human experience and professional performance.
– Statistics. The statistics page collects all the data relating to the activities evaluated and allows apprentices to keep track of their progress and development of skills, in order to be aware of what is done best and what needs to be worked on.
– Monitor Attendance. Thanks to a shared calendar, it is possible to track attendance, manage tardiness and absences. In this way, the employer and the school are aware of the progress of the apprenticeship and, if the apprentice is a minor, the family can be notified.
– Communicate. The chat section allows all users to communicate quickly, at any time, from anywhere in the world.
The iLearn project promotes a Work Based Learning method that allows, through the work experience, to correct apprentice’s mistakes, improve training and skills with suggestions and practical methods.
In addition to virtuous management of apprenticeships, two major objectives will be achieved with iLearn: a further step towards the digital revolution and less waste of paper and time for monitoring apprenticeships. iLearn tool will be completed in February 2021. Have a look on the website https://www.app.ilearn-tool.eu/ and for any question please contact us: europa@aproformazione.it.