Insignare: projects, training events and students’ internships assessment
“Digital Tools for Smart Schools” project concludes its work
This exchange project between five European schools (Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Turkey), homed in on the learning of digital educational tools, supported by the Erasmus+ programme, was concluded in June. A last event took place, in which INSIGNARE’s EPO – Ourém Vocational School was expected to welcome the delegations of those four nations. Unfortunately, as a result of the pandemic time in which we live, this meeting took place online, via TEAMS online platform, used by INSIGNARE’s Schools.
In this meeting, students collaboratively deepened their knowledge of five monotheistic religions – Buddhist, Catholic, Islamic, Jewish and Orthodox – reflecting on their distinctive characteristics but, above all, critically concluding on the common aspects of these religions. The intended and achieved result was to demonstrate to young people that all of them advocate respect for others, and that for this reason there is no need to fear those who follow a religion and a culture different from ours, limiting early on the bases for extremism.
Underlying was the development of their technological skills, based on working together on educational software. During these days, EPO students animated two workshops on Photopea (a free online graphic editor) and Canva (a free online graphic design platform), after which they prepared several e-flyers with the conclusions they reached.
In previous meetings, students improved their knowledge of European Literature, analysing works by various Nobel Prize laureates and working with Animoto and Biteable, where they learned to edit videos online for free; they improved their math skills; learnt how to use Prezi (an online presentation software) and Quizizz, an educational learning assessment software; similar to this one, they learned to make Kahoots and were dazzled by Powtoon, also an online software for dynamic presentations.
These softwares were explained to the colleagues that stood at home, so that learning was not merely individual. It is also worth mentioning that several were unknown by the participating teachers, totally or partially, so the learning was also theirs, as well as their inclusion in the teaching activity.
Any information concerning the project can be asked to its coordinator, Mrs. Rita Bandirali (
Mobiliteach – In-depth Sectoral Specialisation of VET teachers held its second training event in Portugal
From 28 June to 1 July, INSIGNARE’s EHF – Fátima Hospitality School hosted the second training event for European teachers and technicians from schools and educational organisations of Hospitality and Tourism, under the Erasmus+ KA 2 project “Mobiliteach – In-depth Sectoral Specialisation of VET teachers”. The first one took place online.
The delegation had teachers from Albania, Italy and Greece – the pandemic made it impossible for German and French partners to attend.
The week was based on a mix of classroom training – learning and exchange of good practices among the participants – and on activities in the Training Kitchens, with moments of experimentation and testing of different pedagogical methodologies, mainly in line with the transdisciplinarity promoted by the project.
Examples of sharing were the “Live Tour”, part of the EHF Tourism students’ final exam; 3D printing and QR generator/usage; the initiatives developed by INSIGNARE’s Communication and Image Department in the area of external communication of the activities and events developed internally.
There was also room for the business part, where ACISO – Ourém-Fátima Business Association presented the International Workshop on Religious Tourism, namely the differences and respective impacts between its face-to-face and virtual organisation (which was this one’s year, as a result of the pandemic); we also received an entrepreneur, from TREZE company, who illustrated the innovative and differentiating way in which she produces, communicates and sells religious articles; and we heard the CEO of Fátima Hotels Group explain how this group of independent hotels is able to cooperate with each other in international promotion.
The international experiences of sending students for internships in Europe was one of the points worked on, either with the test of an online mobility management platform, or with the physical and virtual presence of former and current students, who addressed the experiences felt in her Erasmus+ international internships, in which all were unanimous in referring to the enormous personal and professional impact that these experiences had and are having on her life.
More information can be found on the project’s website:
INSIGNARE’s Schools performed an intermediary assessment of their students’ European internships
In recent days, INSIGNARE’s EPO – Ourém Vocational School and EHF – Fátima Hospitality School held the usual online follow-up meetings, via TEAMS, with their students who are carrying out their two (starting in June) and three-month (since May) internships, supported by the Erasmus+ programme, in several European cities: Berlin (Germany), Barcelona, Bilbao, Seville, Valencia and Vitoria (Spain), Foligno and Forlì (Italy). They will return on the 31st of July.
As students carry out their internships with a high degree of independence, supported locally by INSIGNARE partner organisations, we make them feel that we are just a click away or a phone call away! These online meetings serve mainly to support them and assess their well-being, their professional performance, their documentation underlying the internships, as well as other topics that they want to discuss.
Everyone is very satisfied with these experiences, and with the technical impacts (the learning of new skills, tools, work methodologies), linguistic (the language of the country where they are located), social (the personal autonomy provided by the experience in groups and outside their family network) and cultural (due to visits to various monuments and tourist sites they have already done).
More information can be asked to INSIGNARE’s International Cooperation Office Mr. Sérgio Fernandes (