Insignare’s RISE project designs guidelines for setting up a social enterprise

Insignare’s RISE project designs guidelines for setting up a social enterprise

RISE – Realising Integration through Social Enterprise, a KA 2 Partnership supported by Erasmus +, has finished designing a set of guidelines of setting up a social enterprise. This document can be used throughout Europe by a person that wishes to create a company with a social focus.

During the fifth project meeting held in Patras (Greece) on 30th and 31st January, partners’ organisations, coming from Austria (coordinator), Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Germany, Portugal and Romania, concluded this task, one of the expected results of the project. Moreover, social companies and organizations from this sector were visited and its best practices were discussed.

Although in all countries of the partnership there is already the possibility of creating this kind of company, in Portugal there isn’t; even so, there wasn’t a European common approach, that compared what exists in all those countries and presents it in a structured document that can be the basis for creating one, which will now be disseminated in those countries. In Portugal, this document will be sent to policy makers as a way to help the legal process of allowing the creation of this type of organisations.

More information can be reached through the project website.

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