A 3-year project, commencing September 2014, which will deliver a ‘Training Mentors’ course and a ‘Mentoring Entrepreneurs’ pilot, which will run for 6 months. Also created will be an e-learning course, aimed at entrepreneurs and creating the mindset; it will also cover business start-up – it is NOT just how to create a business plan. The project will be cross-field, with University, Further Education Colleges, Adult Education involved and business, and also cross sector (businesses, Business Network, third sector (charities in ES and UK). Aims: Addressing unemployment amongst people under 30 (entrepreneurship/ self-employment as a serious option) and also unemployment of the over 45s) – who have been made redundant, need to learn new skills. There are now 1.7 olderpreneurs in the UK. Mentoring, often using volunteers, utilisation of skills of existing or retired entrepreneurs – helps older people with active ageing (active living is better term) and feeling worthwhile, they can be part of society, giving something back The Intergenerational aspects relate to the mentors who will often be older people with experience of working in a business and they can pass on this wisdom to the younger people. In some cases the older people may be retired and feeling useless, no role in society and this will give them a sense of value and belonging back as well as helping the younger person. Identified – sometimes older people with a business give it up when they retire. It would be good if they had an apprentice or someone to pass the business to – the older person can continue to mentor the younger and maybe even get an income form the business. Also identified – older workers in a business working with younger people and apprentices to allow the older to retire and the business does not then lose the skills. Co-creation event in Helsinki (Living Lab experts) will work with entire partnership (including some Finnish students) to define the Intergeneration process for mentoring and also the curricula for the e-learning for start-ups.
Coordinator: Centro de Formación de Administración y Hostelería S.L. – CDEA
Contact Details: Ms. Marijo Irastorza Insausti –
Funding Agency: ESPAÑA, 2014-1-ES01-KA200-004372
1. City of Bath College, UK
3., Greece
4. EfVET, Nederlands
5. Age UK Bath and North East Somerset, UK
6. SECOT, Spain
7. Errotu Taldea S.L.P, Spain
8. Small Business Focus, UK
Duration: 01.09.2014 – 31.08.2017
Project materials
IntGen Brochure
IntGen Flyer
Newsletter Number 1 – September 2015
Newsletter Number 2 – January 2016
Aurora and Rosa Albistur Women who were Active in the Cuban Revolution