International Business Studies – IBS

Cebanc – Cdea – Contractor
Leonardo Pilot Project

Develop a training programme using the new information and communication technologies employed in International Trade. The programme aims to contribute to the training of professionals capable of meeting the demands of the sector in Spain, Holland, Denmark, Germany and The United Kingdom.
The learning materials consist of a range of real case studies of major international trading companies ranging from Chemicals, Engineering, Informatics, Fashion, Packaging and Logistics. They also provide learning assignments, assessment methodologies and certification and a variety of generic tasks for students to understand the economic, social and cultural backdrop to international trade.
The materials are available in CD / DVD format and can be delivered both on-line and using computer based learning forms.
For further information please visit the project or contact Maria Jose Irastorza – Cebanc-Cdea or Pete Hodgson – Norton Radstock College on

Cebanc- Cdea – San Sebastian, Spain
Norton Radstock College – Bath, United Kingdom
Tietgen College , Odense, Denmark
Berufsbildende Schule Wirtschaft I, Ludwigshafen, Germany
RoC van Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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