International Self-Assessment Tool for CoVE: Supporting the development of Excellence in VET

International Self-Assessment Tool for Centers of Vocational Excellence: Supporting the development of Excellence in VET – VENHANS Webinar

The European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET) was responsible for organising VENHANS Webinar session, with support from the European Training Foundation (ETF), entitled “International Self-Assessment Tool for Centers of Vocational Excellence: Supporting the development of Excellence in VET”.

Carried out on July 13th, 2022, this event gathered a total of 17 participants, experts from public and private organisations belonging to Vocational Education and Training (VET), Higher Education (HE) and industry sectors, from 7 European countries.

The main purpose of this webinar, a consultation session hosted by EfVET and moderated by Mr. Julian Stanley (responsible for the development of a self-assessment tool for ETF’s network and for Centers of Vocational Excellence, or CoVEs) was to offer an overview of the principles that will shape the International Self-Assessment Tool for Centers of Vocational Excellence (ISATCOV) and an outline of its provisional criteria. Participants were asked to provide their perspective on the criteria for vocational excellence to be considered in ISATCOV and to contribute for shaping the tool, based on its guiding principles and conceptual basis.

As such, at the beginning of the session (and after a short presentation of VENHANS project and the presentation of the Webinar agenda, made by EfVET), Mr. Stanley provided some context by informing about the project that started the development of this tool, funded by the European Commission, namely DG EMPL – The International Dimension of Centres of Vocational Excellence (ID-CoVEs).

Figure 1 ISATCOV: Basis for the tool’s development (part of ETF presentation)

After this contextualisation, Mr. Stanley continued his presentation by explaining the basis of ISATCOV tool’s development (which rely on a collective agreement on its scope, performance, capacity, tools and data) and its criteria and evidence indicators.

Some questions were asked to participants on those criteria and evidence indicators using Mentimeter™ for a more dynamic collection of replies.

After this, the session focused on a Quality Award or Label for vocational excellence, also addressed by ID-CoVEs project. Thus, Mr. Stanley asked to participants which the desired inclusive and exclusive features were to consider when recognising excellence and how to frame the connection between ISATCOV and the Quality Award.

This fruitful and insightful session provided ETF with some elements to consider for its work in developing ISATCOV, based on the contributions provided by participants during the webinar. Some of the participants demonstrated interest in being involved in this process, in the future.

The recording of the webinar is available at this link.


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