InVET (Preventing initial VET dropouts and fostering trainees’s inclusion)

Coordinator: INOVAFOR

Presenter: Marta Pinto

Starting / Ending Date: October 2014 – October 2016

In-VET: Preventing initial VET dropouts and fostering trainees’s inclusion, is a European project developed in the framework of Leonardo da Vinci initiative under the Lifelong Learning Programme – Transfer of Innovation. In-VET was born from the concept approached by two successful European initiatives that tackle the issue of dropouts – The School Inclusion Project ( and Stop Dropout! ( – and it aims to support VET teachers, school managers, vocational & educational counsellors and all VET professionals to detect, at an early stage, trainees at potencial risk of dropping out from the school system.

In detail, the project will develop a toolkit to be available at an online training and resource center, including networking features, targeting iVET Managers, Trainers and Tutors/Counsellors:
Allowing them to develop skills to detect at an earlier stage trainees at risk of dropping out the VET system and to design and implement suitable strategies to deal with this phenomenon in their daily training sessions.
Enabling them to prevent the increase of earlier leavers rates and reduce the current rates by designing and implementing “action plans” aimed at generating more attractiveness of the iVET offers at their institutions.

The main results of In-VET project will be:
Online-questionnaire in order to identify young people at risk on time.
Counselling guidelines for trainers, teachers, tutors, managers and similar professions in VET in order to support young people at risk individually.
Online-portal with training methods for trainers, teachers, tutors and managers in VET to be able to specifically work against dropout.

With the In-VET results the partnership expects to achieve:
Increased awareness towards the negative impacts of iVET earlier leavers high rates and the necessity of combating the phenomenon of earlier leavers and of promoting strategies to deal with it;
Design and development of strategies, tools & resources addressed to iVET Managers, Trainers and Tutors/Counsellors aimed at supporting their skills development, enabling them to detect at earlier stage trainees at risk of dropping out or of failure and implement in their daily training practices strategies to deal with potential dropouts.
Promotion of the development of skills and networking opportunities among iVET Managers, Trainers and Tutors/Counsellors, improving their understanding of the phenomenon of early leavers and their competencies to develop “action plans” to promote higher attractiveness of iVET courses.
All outcomes and materials of the project will be in English, manuals, promotional materials, and video subtitles will be in all partnership languages. There will be pilot sessions in all countries of the partnership during the second year of the project.

Founding Agency: NA Portugal

Partners: INOVAFOR; Blickpunkt Identitat; Connectis; Pixel; CECE; ANESPO; Gesundheitsakademie health and more

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